Category Archives: Blog

Our Chair receives the Mayor’s Award for 2024

We are very proud that our Chair, Tony Banfield, was one of ten recipients of the Mayor’s award (for contributions in the voluntary sector).  Tony has been pivotal in saving our historical buildings and green space in the town centre, … Continue reading

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12 Good Reasons: Objections to John Lewis/Waitrose Development

WHAT WE ARE OBJECTING TO: Buildings on this scale and height are out of character with the rest of the town centre. Heritage Assets will be harmed.  A Precedent will be set for further tall buildings. The Local Infrastructure will be overloaded. There is not enough Affordable Housing. Continue reading

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The Mayor visits our new Display Panels at the Open House 2023 Exhibition

Come to our Open House 2023 exhibition and read the story of Bromley Continue reading

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John Lewis proposal to build tower blocks on the Bromley Waitrose site

It is is necessary to set out clearly the visual impact that the three blocks have on nearby residential areas; also to examine whether the local physical and social infrastructure can cope with such a large development that does not feature in the Local Plan. Continue reading

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Broomtime 2023 – The shrub, from which Bromley takes its name is now in full flower on Martin’s Hill. Don’t miss this annual natural heritage event unique to Bromley! Continue reading

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Summary/Notes on the SPD – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Some of the content of the Supplementary Planning Document is to be praised, and some notice has been taken of the feedback in the 2020 consultation, except for the rejection of high-rise tower blocks (see our post, where 86% of … Continue reading

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We need a Masterplan, not a free-for-all of speculative Tower Blocks

Those parts of the document that most need to be changed Continue reading

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SPD – What’s happening in my part of the Town?

Find out what building heights and what is planned for each area of Bromley Town and site. Continue reading

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SPD – Guidence Note 11: Tall buildings

In the 2020 consultation on the SPD (supplementary planning document) 86% of responses about building heights rejected more high-rises (defined as over 6 storeys) (see here). New policies in the London Plan enable our council to set limits on the … Continue reading

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Churchill Quarter – feedback that it’s too high in the SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) consultation

It is drafted as if to pave the way for the kind of proposals that we saw last summer (see before and after photos). It fails to take into account the
impact on Library Gardens and the Conservation Area. Paragraph 7.21, for example, says that ‘…building heights should be proportionate to that of the Churchill Theatre..’ * This suggests you could have an 11 storey block of flats towering over Library Gardens Continue reading

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