We are very proud that our Chair, Tony Banfield, was one of ten recipients of the Mayor’s award (for contributions in the voluntary sector). Tony has been pivotal in saving our historical buildings and green space in the town centre, in founding the Heart of Bromley Residents Association (HOBRA) in the 1980s, then the Bromley Civic Society in 2007 as part of the national Civic Voice movement.

Tony was very pleased to receive the award and the recognition – he told the assembled freemen, dignitaries and gathering, that he felt the award was deserved by the whole team that run the Civic Society.

The ceremony was the last to be held in the purpose-built Council Chamber in the civic centre site on Stockwell Close (which is on the market as the council is moving to the former Direct Line building opposite Bromley South station). Tony’s nomination was composed by the Civic Society committee, and submitted by the Lib Dem councillors for the Bromley Town Ward, read out by Sam Webber.