SAVE our Neo-Georgian Shop (AGAIN)

The developers who own the shop, that was formerly Maplins, have amended and re-submitted their planning application – please object! Here’s the link to the application (so click the Comments tab, then add a comment, chosing ‘Objection’ as the reason) Unfortunately, it looks like this one will go to appeal, and the more objections to this latest manifestation would really help the case.

Iceni Projects (the developer?) has produced rebuttal documents to counter the reasons from the last hearing. However, they don’t seem to have taken on board that their building is oversized, out of character, and ugly. Though they have reduced the height, we feel that:

* at 12 storeys it is still over-sized, and out of step with the rest of the buildings in this part of the high street, that are only 2-4 storeys high.

* The proposed building is right on the top of the ridge and much too high. It will stick out like a sore thumb when viewed from the railway. It will overlook the flats above the high street shops, Ethelbert and Ravensbourne Road. If the white in the picture is concrete then it will be black and mouldy after ten years.

* It is out of scale and character with the area and adjacent Conservation Area (contrary to Council policy 42) – a cheap squat concrete car-park style building which will stick out over the High Street and surrounding areas.

* It is ugly and poorly proportioned building. Definitely not a good quality or appealing design, and the statement that it is “delivering high quality development” is clearly false.

* the facade proposal is horrible. Instead of retaining the lovely Neo-Georgian shop, there is just the very front left, placing a really ugly cheap dark storey behind – it is not complimentary and clashes badly.

We also note that there will be no Affordable Rent flats provided, just Shared Ownership (Affordable Rent housing is not provided on ‘viability’ grounds).

Ugly squattish 12-storey oversized building
The ugly 12-storey proposal from Iceni Projects, reducing our lovely Neo-Georgian shop to a thin brick frontage to an ugly dark fronted building.
The over-sized and over-shadowing proposal for the former Maplin shop

The lovely Neo-Georgian shop that they are replacing:

The existing shop, formerly Maplin’s. Neo-Georgian brick building with fine pediments.

The existing Neo-Georgian shop parade, built in 1930 for Fifty Shilling Tailors – more details about this building, describing the history and architectural embellishment, here.

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