Four Heritage Walks for Civic Day: Saturday 16 June

Civic Day, with the slogan “I care about where I live”, is a nationwide event organised by Civic Voice (formerly the Civic Trust). Bromley Civic Society is contributing to Civic Day by staging four heritage walks around Bromley Town Centre on Saturday 16th June.

All four walks are free and each will take about 90 mins.  They will start and finish in The Glades at the north end upper level near Boots.  We will have a display there about the heritage of Bromley and more details about the work of the Bromley Civic Society.

The idea is to engage and inform visitors about the town’s rich heritage of architecture and green spaces and the stories that can be told about the characters that lived there in the past. People coming on the walks will be encouraged to look up and see details of buildings they may not have noticed before although they may have walked past them many times.

If residents and visitors know more about their local environment and the history that shaped it, they are more likely to end the day by saying “I care about where I live”!

The four walks are:

9:30am   Bromley Palace and Park

12:00pm   Bromley’s Green Spaces, Parks and Gardens 

2:00pm   Victorian Bromley (Arts and Crafts, HG Wells) 

4:00pm   Pathways of the Past 

For more details about the walks, please see our flyer for the day.


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