Built in 1912 for the David Greig chain of supermarkets. It has an orate stone frontage in Neo-Baroque style. It uses pre-fabricated decorative ceramic facings, in this case, terracotta, as used in buildings such as Dulwich College and the Royal Albert Hall. There’s also the monogram of Queen Victoria.

” From a base established in Brixton, south London, in 1888 David Greig expanded to include around 220 shops. These were located throughout London and the Home Counties, with some scattered at far west as Wales and Torquay.
“… in 1912, settling at The Red House, Southend Road, Beckenham, Kent. This mansion had its own museum and expansive grounds; neighbours included the Robertsons of marmalade fame and the Craddocks, later to excel as TV cooks.” from The Legacy of David Greig pages.

Interestingly, Gordon Dennington says on the David Greig Legacy pages(here)
When I worked in Sainsbury’s Stamford Street Head Office in the late 1950s it was widely believed there was a distant family connection with David Greig’s. Don’t know if true. Rather ironic that under the informal arrangement between them not to compete in the same districts, David Greig living in The Red House, Beckenham (now a nursing home) he was unable to open up in Beckenham itself. Sainsbury’s was there !
The David Greig memorial: