2010 Area Action Plan – identifying high rise sites

In October 2010 Bromley Council approved a major plan for central Bromley which will mould development for the next 15 years.  We were actively involved in the consultation process—commenting on the plan’s general aspirations and the site specific policies it contains. You can download the AAP documents from the council website. These documents include a map which identifies the various site designations in central Bromley (Sites B, G, K, L etc).

We have voiced our support for many of the aspirations of the draft AAP but  raised concerns about the detail and what is proposed for some of the sites.  We believe that many of the Council’s proposals are just plain wrong—they are not based on proper evidence and often contradict local and national planning policy aspirations. We know that many people in Bromley share our concern.  Our public meeting to discuss the AAP attracted over 150 local residents. If the Council gets this wrong we will be living with the consequences for many years to come.

We will thoroughly review planning applications for each of the sites and make our comments on them.

For the latest status of all of these sites please see the post: Bromley Town AAP status

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