Help stop our parkland being built on: Email David Berger at the Council – and go to the Ward Councillors Drop In (7.30pm on 10th September at the Civic Centre). The Town Ward Councillors describe it as selling derelict buildings but this is our parkland that’s being ‘disposed’. It’s even been decided that if the new owner’s builds blocks on the existing footprint, they won’t have to apply for planning permission. Regardless, once the land is sold, it’s gone forever, and it will never be possible for it to be part of the palace grounds again.

Alternatively, the park friends and iDVerde could apply for grants and demolish the buildings, restoring the gardens of the Old Bishops Palace:

Tony Banfield, our chairman, says “.. all of the green space shown in [this] post is being sold. What you call the park is only part of the open space of the Bishops Palace land designated Urban Open Space, and the whole, including the sale site, having had free public access for the past 35 years. “
These are photos of the listed folly, a secret gate and other notable plantings that are in the land being sold:

The 2019 local plan designated that the council intends that 70 housing units will be built on the whole of the civic centre grounds, an area this bit is only part of: